Rainbow Terra

  • Using wood to protect woods.
  • Biodegrades in any environment
    compost, soil, freshwater, and the oceans.
  • The only certified soil biodegradable shelter by TUV.
  • Class-leading light transmission.


The Rainbow Terra is the first and only Soil Certified tree and vine shelter available on the market. Based on plant resin and recycled natural wood residue from the UK, the Terra is a natural solution for the protection of trees and vines against mice, voles, rabbits, hares, and deer.  The Terra is plastic-free and non-toxic to the environment.  The service life is an average of 5 years and class-leading light transmission enables trees and vines to grow at a natural rate and not be drawn up the shelter too fast, which can lead to instability. The Terra is safe in marine and freshwater environments making it perfect for riparian restoration work.


Rainbow terra tree shelter


Biodegradable in any end-of-life environment

The Rainbow Terra is the first and only tree shelter that biodegrades in any type of environment: soil, freshwater, and/or the oceans. Wherever this product might end up, it is externally tested and proven that the Rainbow Terra will biodegrade and leave no waste or harm to these environments. This is unique and ever-important in our fight against pollution, climate change, etc. The Rainbow Terra is certified Soil biodegradable by the renowned TUV organization truly making it the clean-conscience option.

Class-leading light transmission

Class-leading light transmission enables trees and vines to grow at a natural rate and not be drawn up the shelter too fast, which can lead to instability and ultimately the snapping of the tree.

Single wall

Ensures products longevity averaging 5 years and minimizing the early biodegradation resulting from thinner walls

No laser-line

  • The product naturally breaks down by itself
  • Over time product will become thinner as it will be biodegrading and lose its tensile strength which will give the tree the strength to break free.

Flared rim

Minimizes stem abrasion




60cm to 150cm

Carton boxes of 48 to 100pieces per box

74mm to 96mm for 60-120cm length Terra’s

82mm to 106mm for 150cm length Terra’s



60cm to 150cm


Carton boxes of 48 to 100pieces per box


74mm to 96mm for 60-120cm length Terra’s

82mm to 106mm for 150cm length Terra’s


Data Sheet
Installation Instruction

Request Samples Today

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Let us make this world greener together!

131 Cumberland Street Hull, HU2 0PP United Kingdom