Why use shelters in landscaping?

Why use shelters in landscaping?

Landscaping encompasses a wide range of applications but mainly centres on roadside planting, parks and gardens, and urban tree planting usually in a formal setting and associated with public spaces and recreation.

Tree shelters are vital to promoting healthy tree growth, while also improving the overall appearance and functionality of the landscaping project.

Uniform establishment and protection from browsing animals like mice, voles, and rabbits are often required.

Landscaping projects are generally geared to achieve certain goals such as aesthetics, environmental improvement, erosion control, and screening. Early tree establishment and survival are key to the outcomes as in forestry,  but other considerations such as the higher profile due to location often require a higher standard of the project.

Timely establishments of trees are often part of the key to project delivery – optimal protection
reduces the risk and thus costs.


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